Monday, April 20, 2015

A New Job!

Life has been hectic lately. The boutique I've worked at for five years is in the process of changing owners, which means I'm going to be working more, plus I got a new job working for a local reptile company called Backwater Reptiles. I get to manage and maintain all of their social media.

I've been super busy with all of those good changes to say the least!

Because I'm super stoked on my new job, I'm posting some of the photos I've been taking of the critters. Once a week, I commute about 30 to 40 minutes to Rocklin to take pictures and the rest of the time, I work from home editing those photos, scheduling Facebook, Twitter, and blog posts, and creating newsletters. Lots of computer work, but it's fun so I don't mind!

Baby Panther chameleon that was born last week. Smaller than a penny!

Baby Fire Bellied Newt. They're black on top and reddish-orange on the tummy. There's a photo of his tummy a few pictures down.

An orange trapdoor spider. Gross. I can't stand spiders. They scare me.

A baby Sulcata tortoise. I always hear the Looney Tune tortoise character in my head when I see tortoises. 

Here's the underside of the Fire Bellied Newt from earlier. 
A juvenile green anaconda. These can't be shipped across state borders anymore, so the prices for them just sky rocketed.

This is a giant South American toad. That guy is bigger than a grown man's hand. 

A baby translucent veiled chameleon. They have albino blotches.

Baby green anaconda again. These guys have attitude and can get kind of nippy.
This little frog is called a Pixie frog. :)

This is a Goliath Tree Frog - another large amphibian. 

Anyways, most people aren't as enamored with reptiles and amphibians as I am, so I'll switch back to  fashion-centric post next time I write. Just haven't had the time or energy for selfies as of late.

Until next time!

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