Saturday, December 27, 2014

Eye Vs Spy

December has been a super busy month and I can hardly believe that Christmas has come and gone already. It really snuck up on me this year.

Anyways, last week Kyle, me, and a group of friends headed to San Francisco to see Skinny Puppy at the Warfield. Skinny Puppy is my favorite band and Ogre is my one of favorite human beings, so this concert was sort of a big deal. I had the opportunity to cover the show professionally but declined because I knew I wanted to party being that we were making "a thing" of it with friends and it's hard to recall set lists and take decent photos when you're drinking and having a good time.

The show was amazing, which was not a surprise to me. Kyle and I had seen Skinny Puppy five times prior, so the show at the Warfield was our sixth time seeing the group live. Our friends on the other hand, were Skinny Puppy virgins. I think it's safe to say they enjoyed the show and it helped that the entire line up of bands were all industrial so pretty much everyone had someone they were excited to see live.

I also really enjoyed the first band that played called Youth Code. I had never heard of the band before they got on the Eye vs. Spy tour, but Kyle bought their album and we both really like it. They remind me of a combination of Ministry and Skinny Puppy with a female vocalist.

Anyways, here are a bunch of photos from the show. I took videos as well, but I was having so much fun that they're all shaky and therefore not YouTube worthy in my opinion. Oh well.

Lip Service bat hosiery and silver rings.

Youth Code.

Youth Code had real analog hardware on stage. Hard to come by in this computerized age. 

More Youth Code.

Opening song was "Convulsion." Ogre spun around an umbrella and wore a creepy mask…well, I guess pretty much all his masks were creepy.

Even though this one is super blurry, I love the lighting on his mask. 

Mr. cEvin Key in the background.

cEvin Key is so hard to photograph!

Some kind of demented monkey mask?

Third eye pig monkey dog mask? His masks are so weird I'm just taking a guess at what his inspirations behind them were.

Blood on his hands. :-)

The following morning we all got brunch at a cafe nearby. We learned that it's hard to find brunch seating for six people on a weekend anywhere in San Francisco. All the places within walking distance were so small and seating was free-for-all, so it took us a while to get situated, but we managed.

The group of us. Right to left - Kasi, myself, Kyle, David, and Lyndsie. We're only missing Kasi's husband Zach in this photo. Also, excuse the blurriness - it's a blown-up Instagram photo (as is the one below).

Me and Kasi being goofy after brunch.
Next up is my trip to Florida to visit my family. Stay tuned for lots of photos of my baby siblings.

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