Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Beetlejuice" at the Trash Film Orgy

Friday night was the final Trash Film Orgy at the Crest Theater. It's been held there for 14 years and due to "changes" that are coming to K Street, the TFO had to find a new home. Thankfully, it got sent off with a bang and tons of people showed up to watch "Beetlejuice."

Kyle and I met up with a bunch of friends and were happy to be a part of the festival's final showing.

Beetlejuice leggings by BlackMilk; Boots - New Rock; Tank - Sovrin; Shrug - CAbi

The line to get into the theater stretched down K Street. It was so packed!


Poster outside the venue.

I've never seen the lobby of the Crest packed this full. So many people supporting TFO's final show. 

People filming little snippets about their TFO memories.

The Trash Afterlife booth.

Aloha Mighty Tiki!

This was a skit with the Bloody Bunny, a TFO staple character, and a Sleazy Lawyer. The parody skit was called "Phantom of the Crest" and of course it spoofed "Phantom of the Opera." 

Here is the Phantom killing the Sleazy Lawyer. It's funny because the lawyer represents the reason why TFO is being booted from the Crest. According to him, the consortium he represents wants to transform K Street into a bunch of bro-douche bars and urban Walmarts. 
It was such a fun night and I spent it in the company of good friends. Goodbye TFO! Hopefully you'll find a new venue soon!

Until next time…

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