Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Outfit of the Day - L.A. Muscle Tank + Chiffon

Can we please have sweater weather already?? Come on Sacramento…give us some rain and gloomy, overcast skies. I'm tired of tank tops and layered pantyhose. I want to show off my massive collection of Black Milk leggings and long sleeves!

Today the weather wasn't scorching, but it was still hot enough to facilitate sleeveless tops and light-weight leg wear. 

I received a parcel in the mail yesterday from G-Stage that included this L.A. skeleton hand print muscle tank. Under $10 if you can believe that? I love G-Stage! Super affordable and super cute. Not to mention they had a decent selection of black stuff, which is really what I look for in a website these days. 

High-low chiffon blouse - Forever 21; L.A. muscle tank - G-Stage; Boots - New Rock

L.A. is my second home, even though I don't truly want to live there. It's a great place to visit and explore and get to know, but ultimately, all you do there is wait. Wait for opportunity, wait for traffic, wait for everything. I just can't handle spending that much time in the car in traffic, which is why I love visiting but am always glad to get out.
Until next time!

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